June 2024 archive of Reflections

June 2024 archive of Reflections

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, June 30, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 6/29/24

Sickness, suffering, death—where did they originate? Who brought them? The author of the Book of Wisdom makes the case for God, stating that they are not God’s doing. Jesus Himself, who is the Wisdom of God, would demonstrate this beyond doubt. As proof, He went about curing the sick, ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, June 23, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 6/21/24

Whenever we read the story of Job, it brings with it a reminder that it is absolutely beyond our comprehension to fully understand why some people suffer and some (we think or assume) do not. Years ago, I visited a dying parishioner who said she was angry with God ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, June 16, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 6/14/24

A friend of mine is so picky that she buys only organic produce because she fears passing the toxins in our foods into any child she’ll bring to the world. Sounds like she’s in for a rude awakening, for the chemicals have infested nearly everything we consume. I was ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, June 9, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 6/07/24

It appears our age has declared a no-holds-barred match for vile, untamed and unsavory speech. Use of expletives in speech are the new normal, in so far as they’re pelted on others of different ideological camp. Our Lord Himself was also a recipient of vicious and generous insults from ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Yr B, June 2, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 6/01/24

Nothing depicts the Eucharistic Meal more as a mystery meal than the sign that Jesus, in today’s gospel, gave to two of his disciples who had the charge of preparing the venue for the meal. He told them: “Go into the city and a man will meet you, carrying ... Read More »


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