

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, October 20, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 10/18/24

Among classmates, colleagues, associates, and even families, it often happens that someone feels she or he is specially gifted and would want to dominate and control others. It grows into a craving for power and authority. If you think that such power-play would be out of place among Jesus’ ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, October 13, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 10/11/24

One of the topics that my English language teacher in Elementary school taught was Correlative Constructions used in positive or negative comparisons, such as: “as sweet as honey,” “as white as snow,” “as innocent as a dove,” and then, “as wise as Solomon.” The first reading today suggests why ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, October 6, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 10/05/24

On December 28, 2000, I officiated at the wedding of my childhood friend, Chukwudi (God-is), and his wife, Mma (Beauty), who both are medical doctors. They chose the first reading of today (Genesis 2:18-24) as one of the readings for the Mass, so in my homily I decided to ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, September 29, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 9/28/24

My friend had a huge Pitbull named “Sharp” that has bitten a dozen people. One day, I had a message for him that took me to his house. As I approached, Sharp started growling. He opened the door and said, “Come in, Father, don’t be afraid of Sharp. You ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, September 22, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 9/20/24

The ranting of the godless, which the Book of Wisdom decries suggest the attitude of the world against believers in Christ. By now, Christians living in contemporary society must have grown used to these tirades of the impious who cry wolf about hate, intolerance and discrimination but do not ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, September 15, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 9/12/24

If Jesus would ask me who people say He was, I have an answer for Him from a former parishioner. After Mass one Sunday morning, I was stepping out of the Church, and behold, a parishioner looking really angry was already outside waiting for me. I mustered courage to ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, September 8, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 9/07/24

Patrick was a remarkable itinerant preacher who lived in my hometown, Uli. Though blind and illiterate, Patrick surmounted his disability by memorizing large portions of the Bible and employed accurate scripture references to garnish his sermons. As a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, he went from house to house, ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, September 1, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 8/31/24

The Jews received the 10 commandments from God, but over the years the scribes and Pharisees amplified the laws to include 613 precepts and by-laws. One wonders what became of Moses’ warning in today’s first reading (Deut. 4:2) against adding or taking anything out of God’s law. Observing the ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 21th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, August 25, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 8/23/24

Twenty seven years ago, together with 10 other young men, I stood before a congregation numbering about 15,000 and made a commitment. I decided that Jesus would be the only one I follow. No turning back. As a consequence, I was admitted into the ministerial priesthood of Christ—a mystery, ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B, August 18, 2024

Posted by John Wolf on 8/16/24

Have you ever been to heaven….? Perhaps my question sounds awkward; so, let me reframe it. Do you wish to know what heaven is like? Do you wish to experience it or know what happens there? You no longer need to do too much or even die. You just ... Read More »


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