Browsing Reflections

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the Epiphany of the Lord, Year C, January 5, 2025

On the wall of my father’s living room hangs a large framed  picture with  these words: “Christ is the Head of this House, the Unseen Guest at Every Meal, and the Silent Listener to Every Conversation.” My father reminded us as kids that Jesus hears every word we utter, so we should make them kind. On the north side of the living room hangs another wise saying: “The Family that Prays Together Stays Together.” Hence, there is compulsory Morning Prayer for all at 5:00 am every day in our living room. But the third sign on the east side of the living-room was the one that none of us kids understood until a particular event. It reads: “Wise Men Still Seek Jesus.” My oldest brother had gone to college, and returning for Christmas break that very year—I believe it was December 1978—he skipped the compulsory Morning Prayer. My father gave orders to wake him and have him come to the living room. When he staggered in, he was directed to read the sign on the east side of the room, to which he muttered, “Wise Men Still Seek Jesus.” He was made to repeat that three times before my dad said: “If you think you’ve gone to college and become so wise that you’ll skip prayers, not in this house, because wise men still seek Jesus.” It was then that we understood the meaning of those words, and the reference to the visit of the Magi.

Today’s feast calls to mind those same words on the wall of my father’s living room, which I have written on the walls of my own heart and advice you to write on yours today: “Wise men and women still seek Jesus.” Today’s feast is called the Epiphany of the Lord. Epiphany derives from the Greek word for “manifestation or appearing.” We celebrate today Christ’s manifestation to the world (gentiles) through the visitation of the astrologers from the east, whom we call the Magi or the Three Wise Men. Today the Eastern Churches celebrate Christmas; and it makes sense, because Epiphany is the great appearance of Christ to humanity.

The Magi observed His Star at its rising and came to pay Him homage with gifts worthy of a king—Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh—representing His triple role as King, Priest and Redeemer. Men and women of every age by the millions have continued to do the same, offering their homage to Jesus and changing lives through His inspiration. The newborn King of the Jews proclaimed by the Magi is now the universal king of many; and His name and deeds have spread to every corner of the earth. He is known by people of all ages, language, color, and ethnic origin. He is the king of over one billion Catholics who in every Church around the world celebrate His manifestation today. About one third of the world’s population is made up of Christians of every race: poor and rich, peasant and learned, professor and truck-pusher, who still seek Jesus, paying homage to their Lord, Redeemer and King.

Yet, there has recently emerged an elite class, highly (un)educated, who have been told that Christ takes away their freedoms, their rights, their self-esteem. In their foolishness and depravity (Psalm 14:1), they have turned against Christ and His followers. Nothing is new about this. Any learning that makes one think she/he is above Christ, the Wisdom of God, is utter foolishness, and how foolish are the men and women of our time who pose themselves as enemies of Christ. Perhaps, they are in possession of considerable knowledge, but without moral depth, concupiscence becomes frequently untempered. The pride of life, of power and possession, and the ambition of personal respect, all become dominant, with human living governed by the logic of self-centeredness. Wise people are wise because they know that they did not know everything, and they follow the star to seek the Wisdom of God, in whom their hearts delight. Seeking Him, we can have a happy and prosperous New Year!

Fr. Chukwudi Jo Okonkwo


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