

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A, August 13, 2023

Posted by John Wolf on 8/11/23

couple of years ago, we took a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee, the sea on which Jesus walked in today’s gospel. Our tour guide told us a story about a certain tourist from the US who was told by the boatman that the fare for the ride ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for The Transfiguration of the Lord, Yr A, August 6, 2023

Posted by John Wolf on 8/04/23

       Rarely does a feast take the place of the regular Sunday liturgy as is the case with the feast of the Transfiguration today. Normally, if a feast or even some solemnities fall on a Sunday, they are moved to the next day. Liturgical laws, however, prescribe that when ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A, July 30, 2023

Posted by John Wolf on 7/28/23

It has been quite a journey through Jesus’ Parables of the Kingdom as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 13. The sequence of the parabolic sayings needs to be pulled together as a tapestry in order to connect them with the idea underpinning the sayings, namely, the gift ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A, July 23, 2023

Posted by John Wolf on 7/21/23

Paul Harvey was a famous radio talk show host, who told stories of famous people in such a way that his listeners won’t be able to predict the subject of his story until the very end. Paul would describe a kid who failed Math class many times, only to ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A, July 17, 2023

Posted by John Wolf on 7/14/23

I confess that some of the best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who was someone else’s wife. That woman was my mother, Priscilla. (I’ll spare you from straying too far in thought). Compared to the soil on which the sower sowed the ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A, July 9, 2023

Posted by John Wolf on 7/07/23

It’s been three months since Palm Sunday, and the first reading today reminds us about a familiar event. At the entrance liturgy of Palm Sunday, we read from the prophet Zephaniah: “Rejoice heartily, O daughter Zion; shout for joy, O daughter Jerusalem! See, your king shall come to you, ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A, July 2, 2023

Posted by John Wolf on 6/30/23

I’ll do my best to explain simply what we signed up for when we became Christian: 1) We’ll love Jesus more than our father, mother, son, daughter, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, sister, nation, tribe; 2) We must love Jesus more than ourselves: personal needs, desires, comfort, and possessions; and ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A, June 25, 2023

Posted by John Wolf on 6/23/23

Dare to be a Jeremiah? You’ll become an object of vicious, merciless attack. Try saying that something considered evil or immoral ten years ago is still so, you’ll be scurrilously denounced by the enforcers of modern orthodoxy in the media and academia. The tyranny with which the new police ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr A, June 18, 2023

Posted by John Wolf on 6/16/23

Nine out of ten funerals in which I have presided in the past ten years have had the song “On Eagle’s Wings” sung at the Mass or service. When Fr. Michael Joncas wrote the song, it was his way of consoling his friend Doug Hall, who got the news ... Read More »

Fr. Jo's Reflection for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Yr A, June 11, 2023

Posted by John Wolf on 6/09/23

Every living creature seeks to assuage the hunger instinct. Humans, in addition, seek shelter and clothing. Birds, rabbits, and a few other creatures seek shelter as well, but have no interest in clothing. Several other animal species spend entire life doing nothing but search for food and drink. For ... Read More »


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